Jun 23, 2012
I want to inhale the stars and choke on the dust of all the lives they held.
source sailorsknot-sailorsmouth
2012 Version of Hamlet, Shakespeare
To be social or to not be social, that is the question..
source A Flame in My Heart
// You don't really have a choice, son. To Facebook or G+, that is the question
Jun 22, 2012
A Dream
When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power
the World Will Know Peace
- Jimi Hendrix
source Dirty Goods
Smile for yourself, and random strangers
Thank-you stranger for your therapeutic smile
source random
// It's rather sad that I'm living in a city where smiling towards a stranger is considered socially awkward
Leaning Against The Wall, Kings of Convenience - FlyLyricsFly

Your eyes are cold,
I know you'll tell me all.
Not to fall,
I lean against the wall.
I'm on the floor,
not listening anymore.
I should have known,
the things to which you're prone.
// One of the songs I really like by Kings of Convenience. Their voices simply calm you down and heal all wounds
Jun 21, 2012
Love Poem
Love Poem
It's so nice
to wake up in the morning
all alone
and not have to tell somebody
you love them
when you don't love them
any more.source affectuosus
That's a smoking hot... bookshelve
I silently judge others by their bookshelves
source Gen'Anne'tics
// In fact whenever I visit a friend's home for the first time, I look forward to check out the bookshelves and their content :)
My Dear Princess
For You I Would Travel ALL LEVELS Around THE WORLD
source Be Wild
// May there be a Mario for every princess, and a princess for every Mario :)
Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.
source rabitozaurs
// That's quite an insight
Jun 20, 2012
In the shower
I was just thinking about you in the shower
source Kill or Be Killed
// and singing you a love song meanwhile
Heavy mess in your chest
stuff I wanted to say but didn't
source Bucky and Louissa
// it feels like carrying dead weight, isn't it?
They stay the same while they don't
One of my favourite things about photographs is that they never change, even when the people in them do.
source hi im anthony
When I saw you
"When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew"
- William Shakespeare
source Urban Fxxk
Spend Time Alone
I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not defined by another person.
- Oscar Wildesource i can read
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