Jul 9, 2012

Everything that humans make begins, ultimately, with an idea: not, perhaps, those we think of as patentable - the kind cartoonists like to represent as a bulb flashing in a scientist’s head - but as a guiding concept that, for example, tells a stonemason how to shape and place stone on stone to create an arch which, as if by magic, makes it possible to defy gravity and make an opening in a wall.

Many such ideas must have occurred independently to different people in different places and the moment when the metaphorical bulb first flashed will never be known - but this does not diminish their importance.

from 100 Ideas That Changed Architecture by Richard Weston on How the art and science of building evolved along the parallel axes of the philosophical and the pragmatic

book feature article -
Brain Pickings

// very interesting book it seems. Gonna grab it in next visit to bookstore 

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